Chapter 3 Environmental data

In this chapter we first, download environmental data from a public repository; second, we crop the data to our area of interest, and we save it as raster stack.

As in Chapter 2, first, we load a list of required libraries.

requiredPackages <- c("here", "rstudioapi",
    "ggplot2", "knitr", "kableExtra", "raster",
    "dplyr", "sdmpredictors")

We run a function to install the required packages that are not in our system and load all the required packages.

install_load_function <- function(pkg) {
    new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[,
    if (length(new.pkg))
        install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
    sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE)

##          here    rstudioapi       ggplot2         knitr    kableExtra 
##          TRUE          TRUE          TRUE          TRUE          TRUE 
##        raster         dplyr sdmpredictors 
##          TRUE          TRUE          TRUE

We define some overall settings.

# General settings for ggplot
# (black-white background, larger
# base_size)
theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 16))

3.1 Download from public repositories

Environmental data can be available from different sources. In this case, we used the Bio-ORACLE (ocean rasters for analyses of climate and environment) database (Tyberghein et al. 2012; Assis et al. 2017). These data are publicly available and are easily accessible from the sdmpredictors package.

We can check the list of available datasets with the function list_datasets from sdmpredictors package, as follows:

mydat <- list_datasets()

# to solve problems with encoding in
# column 5:
mydat[, 5] <- iconv(mydat[, 5], to = "UTF-8")

kable(mydat) %>%
    kable_styling("striped") %>%
    scroll_box(height = "600px", width = "100%")
dataset_code terrestrial marine url description citation
WorldClim TRUE FALSE WorldClim is a set of global climate layers (climate grids). Note that all data has been transformed back to real values, so there is no need to e.g. divide temperature layers by 10. Hijmans, R.J., S.E. Cameron, J.L. Parra, P.G. Jones and A. Jarvis, 2005. Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology 25: 1965-1978.
Bio-ORACLE FALSE TRUE Bio-ORACLE is a set of GIS rasters providing geophysical, biotic and environmental data for surface and benthic marine realms at a spatial resolution 5 arcmin (9.2 km) in the ESRI ascii and tif format. Tyberghein L., Verbruggen H., Pauly K., Troupin C., Mineur F. & De Clerck O. Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species distribution modeling. Global Ecology and Biogeography. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00656.x
MARSPEC FALSE TRUE MARSPEC is a set of high resolution climatic and geophysical GIS data layers for the world ocean. Seven geophysical variables were derived from the SRTM30_PLUS high resolution bathymetry dataset. These layers characterize the horizontal orientation (aspect), slope, and curvature of the seafloor and the distance from shore. Ten “bioclimatic” variables were derived from NOAA’s World Ocean Atlas and NASA’s MODIS satellite imagery and characterize the inter-annual means, extremes, and variances in sea surface temperature and salinity. These variables will be useful to those interested in the spatial ecology of marine shallow-water and surface-associated pelagic organisms across the globe. Note that, in contrary to the original MARSPEC, all layers have unscaled values. Sbrocco, EJ and Barber, PH (2013) MARSPEC: Ocean climate layers for marine spatial ecology. Ecology 94: 979. doi: 10.1890/12-1358.1
ENVIREM TRUE FALSE The ENVIREM dataset is a set of 16 climatic and 2 topographic variables that can be used in modeling species’ distributions. The strengths of this dataset include their close ties to ecological processes, and their availability at a global scale, at several spatial resolutions, and for several time periods. The underlying temperature and precipitation data that went into their construction comes from the WorldClim dataset (, and the solar radiation data comes from the Consortium for Spatial Information ( The data are compatible with and expand the set of variables from WorldClim v1.4 ( Title, P.O., Bemmels, J.B. 2017. ENVIREM: An expanded set of bioclimatic and topographic variables increases flexibility and improves performance of ecological niche modeling. Ecography doi: 10.1111/ecog.02880.
Freshwater TRUE FALSE NA Domisch, S., Amatulli, G., and Jetz, W. (2015) Near-global freshwater-specific environmental variables for biodiversity analyses in 1 km resolution. Scientific Data 2:150073 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.73

By default this function returns all the supported datasets. To return only marine datasets we can set the marine argument equal to TRUE or equivalently we could set the terrestrial and freshwater arguments equal to FALSE:

mydat <- list_datasets(marine = T)
# or equivalently: mydat <-
# list_datasets(terrestrial=F,
# freshwater=F) mydat <-
# list_datasets(marine=T,
# terrestrial=F, freshwater=F)

There are two datasets (Bio-ORACLE and MARSPEC) that have marine data. The function list_layers returns information on the layers of one or more datasets. So, we can see the layers available in the Bio-ORACLE dataset as follows:

mytab <- list_layers("Bio-ORACLE")

kable(mytab) %>%
    kable_styling("striped") %>%
    scroll_box(height = "600px", width = "100%")
dataset_code layer_code name description terrestrial marine freshwater cellsize_equalarea cellsize_lonlat units primary_type primary_spatial_resolution primary_source start_year start_month start_day end_year end_month end_day derivation month is_surface version layer_url
74 Bio-ORACLE BO_cloudmax Cloud fraction (maximum) Cloud fraction indicates how much of the earth is covered by clouds. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 % Satellite (Terra-MODIS), monthly images ’’ Reference: (NASA 2010) URL: 2005 1 1 2010 12 31 maximum NA TRUE 10
452 Bio-ORACLE BO22_calcite Calcite (mean) Calcite concentration indicates the mean concentration of calcite (CaCO3) in oceans. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mol/m^3 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), seasonal climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 22
453 Bio-ORACLE BO22_cloudmax Cloud fraction (maximum) Cloud fraction indicates how much of the earth is covered by clouds. A bilinear interpolation was used to convert the data from 6 arcminutes to 5 arcminutes. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 % Satellite (Terra-MODIS), monthly images ’’ Reference: (NASA 2010) URL: 2005 1 1 2010 12 31 maximum NA TRUE 22
454 Bio-ORACLE BO22_cloudmean Cloud fraction (mean) Cloud fraction indicates how much of the earth is covered by clouds. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 % Satellite (Terra-MODIS), monthly images ’’ Reference: (NASA 2010) URL: 2005 1 1 2010 12 31 mean NA TRUE 22
455 Bio-ORACLE BO22_cloudmin Cloud fraction (minimum) Cloud fraction indicates how much of the earth is covered by clouds. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 % Satellite (Terra-MODIS), monthly images ’’ Reference: (NASA 2010) URL: 2005 1 1 2010 12 31 minimum NA TRUE 22
456 Bio-ORACLE BO22_damax BO_damax Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (maximum). The diffuse attenuation coefficient is an indicator of water clarity. It expresses how deeply visible light in the blue to the green region of the spectrum penetrates in to the water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m^-1 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 maximum NA TRUE 22
457 Bio-ORACLE BO22_damean BO_damean Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (mean). The diffuse attenuation coefficient is an indicator of water clarity. It expresses how deeply visible light in the blue to the green region of the spectrum penetrates in to the water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m^-1 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 22
458 Bio-ORACLE BO22_damin BO_damin Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (minimum). The diffuse attenuation coefficient is an indicator of water clarity. It expresses how deeply visible light in the blue to the green region of the spectrum penetrates in to the water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m^-1 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 minimum NA TRUE 22
459 Bio-ORACLE BO22_parmax BO_parmax Photosynthetically available radiation (maximum). Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) indicates the quantum energy flux from the Sun (in the spectral range 400-700 nm) reaching the ocean surface. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 Einstein/m_/day Satellite (SeaWIFS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 1997 1 1 2009 12 31 maximum NA TRUE 22
460 Bio-ORACLE BO22_parmean BO_parmean Photosynthetically available radiation (mean). Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) indicates the quantum energy flux from the Sun (in the spectral range 400-700 nm) reaching the ocean surface. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 Einstein/m_/day Satellite (SeaWIFS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 1997 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 22
461 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ph BO_ph pH. Measure of acidity in the ocean. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 unitless in situ measurement ’’ World Ocean Database (2009) Reference: (Boyer et al. 2009) URL: 1910 1 1 2007 12 31 DIVA interpolation (117833 data points) NA TRUE 22
462 Bio-ORACLE BO_calcite Calcite (mean) Calcite concentration indicates the mean concentration of calcite (CaCO3) in oceans. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mol/m^3 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), seasonal climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 10
463 Bio-ORACLE BO_chlomax Chlorophyll A (maximum) Chlorophyll A concentration indicates the concentration of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll A (the most common ““green”” chlorophyll) in oceans. Please note that in shallow water these values may reflect any kind of autotrophic biomass. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 maximum NA TRUE 10
464 Bio-ORACLE BO_chlomean Chlorophyll A (mean) Chlorophyll A concentration indicates the concentration of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll A (the most common ““green”” chlorophyll) in oceans. Please note that in shallow water these values may reflect any kind of autotrophic biomass. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 10
465 Bio-ORACLE BO_chlomin Chlorophyll A (minimum) Chlorophyll A concentration indicates the concentration of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll A (the most common ““green”” chlorophyll) in oceans. Please note that in shallow water these values may reflect any kind of autotrophic biomass. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 10
466 Bio-ORACLE BO_chlorange Chlorophyll A (range) Chlorophyll A concentration indicates the concentration of photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll A (the most common ““green”” chlorophyll) in oceans. Please note that in shallow water these values may reflect any kind of autotrophic biomass. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 range NA TRUE 10
467 Bio-ORACLE BO_cloudmean Cloud fraction (mean) Cloud fraction indicates how much of the earth is covered by clouds. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 % Satellite (Terra-MODIS), monthly images ’’ Reference: (NASA 2010) URL: 2005 1 1 2010 12 31 mean NA TRUE 10
468 Bio-ORACLE BO_cloudmin Cloud fraction (minimum) Cloud fraction indicates how much of the earth is covered by clouds. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 % Satellite (Terra-MODIS), monthly images ’’ Reference: (NASA 2010) URL: 2005 1 1 2010 12 31 minimum NA TRUE 10
469 Bio-ORACLE BO_damax Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (maximum) The diffuse attenuation coefficient is an indicator of water clarity. It expresses how deeply visible light in the blue to the green region of the spectrum penetrates in to the water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m^-1 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 maximum NA TRUE 10
470 Bio-ORACLE BO_damean Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (mean) The diffuse attenuation coefficient is an indicator of water clarity. It expresses how deeply visible light in the blue to the green region of the spectrum penetrates in to the water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m^-1 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 10
471 Bio-ORACLE BO_damin Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (minimum) The diffuse attenuation coefficient is an indicator of water clarity. It expresses how deeply visible light in the blue to the green region of the spectrum penetrates in to the water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m^-1 Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 minimum NA TRUE 10
472 Bio-ORACLE BO_dissox Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen concentration [02] FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 ml/l in situ measurement ’’ World Ocean Database (2009) Reference: (Boyer et al. 2009) URL: 1898 1 1 2009 12 31 DIVA interpolation (540582 data points) NA TRUE 10
473 Bio-ORACLE BO_nitrate Nitrate This layer contains both [NO3] and [NO3+NO2] data. By this we mean chemically reactive dissolved inorganic nitrate and nitrate or nitrite. (It is important to note that data reported as [NO3] in the WOD09 should be used with caution because it is difficult to verify that the [NO3] (nitrate) data are [NO3+NO2] or [NO3]. (Boyer et al. 2009)) FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/L in situ measurement ’’ World Ocean Database (2009) Reference: (Boyer et al. 2009) URL: 1928 1 1 2008 12 31 DIVA interpolation (189530 data points) NA TRUE 10
474 Bio-ORACLE BO_parmax Photosynthetically available radiation (maximum) Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) indicates the quantum energy flux from the Sun (in the spectral range 400-700 nm) reaching the ocean surface. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 Einstein/m_/day Satellite (SeaWIFS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 1997 1 1 2009 12 31 maximum NA TRUE 10
475 Bio-ORACLE BO_parmean Photosynthetically available radiation (mean) Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) indicates the quantum energy flux from the Sun (in the spectral range 400-700 nm) reaching the ocean surface. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 Einstein/m_/day Satellite (SeaWIFS), monthly climatologies ’’ Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 1997 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 10
476 Bio-ORACLE BO_ph pH Measure of acidity in the ocean. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 unitless in situ measurement ’’ World Ocean Database (2009) Reference: (Boyer et al. 2009) URL: 1910 1 1 2007 12 31 DIVA interpolation (117833 data points) NA TRUE 10
477 Bio-ORACLE BO_phosphate Phosphate Reactive ortho-phosphate concentration [HPO4^-2] in the ocean. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/L in situ measurement ’’ World Ocean Database (2009) Reference: (Boyer et al. 2009) URL: 1922 1 1 1986 12 31 DIVA interpolation (226816 data points) NA TRUE 10
478 Bio-ORACLE BO_salinity Salinity Salinity indicates the dissolved salt content in the ocean. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS in situ measurement ’’ World Ocean Database (2009) Reference: (Boyer et al. 2009) URL: 1961 1 1 2009 12 31 DIVA interpolation (532377 data points) NA TRUE 10
479 Bio-ORACLE BO_silicate Silicate This variable indicates the concentration of silicate or ortho-silicic acid [Si(OH)4] in the ocean FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/L in situ measurement ’’ World Ocean Database (2009) Reference: (Boyer et al. 2009) URL: 1930 1 1 2008 12 31 DIVA interpolation (234417 data points) NA TRUE 10
480 Bio-ORACLE BO_sstmax Sea surface temperature (maximum) Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the water at the ocean surface. This parameter indicates the temperature of the topmost meter of the ocean water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 Celsius Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies 5 arcmin (9.2 km) Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 maximum NA TRUE 10
481 Bio-ORACLE BO_sstmean Sea surface temperature (mean) Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the water at the ocean surface. This parameter indicates the temperature of the topmost meter of the ocean water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 Celsius Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies 5 arcmin (9.2 km) Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 mean NA TRUE 10
482 Bio-ORACLE BO_sstmin Sea surface temperature (minimum) Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the water at the ocean surface. This parameter indicates the temperature of the topmost meter of the ocean water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 Celsius Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies 5 arcmin (9.2 km) Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 minimum NA TRUE 10
483 Bio-ORACLE BO_sstrange Sea surface temperature (range) Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the water at the ocean surface. This parameter indicates the temperature of the topmost meter of the ocean water column. FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 Celsius Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies 5 arcmin (9.2 km) Reference: (Feldman & McClain 2010) URL: 2002 1 1 2009 12 31 range NA TRUE 10
484 Bio-ORACLE BO_bathymin Bathymetry (minimum) Minimum depth of the seafloor FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 meters GEBCO / EMODnet Bathymetry 30 arcsecond GEBCO URL: EMODnet Bathymetry URL: 2016 3 18 2016 3 18 minimum NA TRUE 10
485 Bio-ORACLE BO_bathymax Bathymetry (maximum) Maximum depth of the seafloor FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 meters GEBCO / EMODnet Bathymetry 30 arcsecond GEBCO URL: EMODnet Bathymetry URL: 2016 3 18 2016 3 18 maximum NA TRUE 10
486 Bio-ORACLE BO_bathymean Bathymetry (mean) Average depth of the seafloor FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 meters GEBCO / EMODnet Bathymetry 30 arcsecond GEBCO URL: EMODnet Bathymetry URL: 2016 3 18 2016 3 18 mean NA TRUE 10
487 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomax_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
488 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomax_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
489 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomax_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
490 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomean_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
491 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomean_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
492 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomean_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
493 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomin_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
494 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomin_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
495 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomin_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
496 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlorange_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
497 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlorange_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
498 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlorange_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
499 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chloltmax_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
500 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chloltmax_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
501 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chloltmax_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
502 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chloltmin_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
503 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chloltmin_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
504 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chloltmin_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
505 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmax_bdmax Current velocity (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
506 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmax_bdmean Current velocity (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
507 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmax_bdmin Current velocity (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
508 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmean_bdmax Current velocity (mean at max depth) Mean sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
509 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmean_bdmean Current velocity (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
510 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmean_bdmin Current velocity (mean at min depth) Mean sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
511 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmin_bdmax Current velocity (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
512 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmin_bdmean Current velocity (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
513 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmin_bdmin Current velocity (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
514 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelrange_bdmax Current velocity (range at max depth) Range of the sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
515 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelrange_bdmean Current velocity (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
516 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelrange_bdmin Current velocity (range at min depth) Range of the sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
517 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelltmax_bdmax Current velocity (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
518 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelltmax_bdmean Current velocity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
519 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelltmax_bdmin Current velocity (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
520 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelltmin_bdmax Current velocity (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
521 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelltmin_bdmean Current velocity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
522 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelltmin_bdmin Current velocity (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
523 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmax_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
524 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmax_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
525 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmax_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
526 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmean_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
527 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmean_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
528 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmean_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
529 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmin_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
530 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmin_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
531 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmin_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
532 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxrange_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
533 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxrange_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
534 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxrange_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
535 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxltmax_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
536 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxltmax_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
537 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxltmax_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
538 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxltmin_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
539 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxltmin_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
540 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxltmin_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
541 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmax_bdmax Iron concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
542 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmax_bdmean Iron concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
543 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmax_bdmin Iron concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
544 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmean_bdmax Iron concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
545 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmean_bdmean Iron concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
546 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmean_bdmin Iron concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
547 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmin_bdmax Iron concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
548 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmin_bdmean Iron concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
549 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmin_bdmin Iron concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
550 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironrange_bdmax Iron concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
551 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironrange_bdmean Iron concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
552 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironrange_bdmin Iron concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
553 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironltmax_bdmax Iron concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
554 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironltmax_bdmean Iron concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
555 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironltmax_bdmin Iron concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
556 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironltmin_bdmax Iron concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
557 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironltmin_bdmean Iron concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
558 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironltmin_bdmin Iron concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
559 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemax_bdmax Phosphate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
560 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemax_bdmean Phosphate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
561 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemax_bdmin Phosphate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
562 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemean_bdmax Phosphate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
563 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemean_bdmean Phosphate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
564 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemean_bdmin Phosphate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
565 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemin_bdmax Phosphate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
566 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemin_bdmean Phosphate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
567 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemin_bdmin Phosphate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
568 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphaterange_bdmax Phosphate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
569 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphaterange_bdmean Phosphate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
570 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphaterange_bdmin Phosphate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
571 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphateltmax_bdmax Phosphate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
572 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphateltmax_bdmean Phosphate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
573 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphateltmax_bdmin Phosphate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
574 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphateltmin_bdmax Phosphate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
575 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphateltmin_bdmean Phosphate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
576 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphateltmin_bdmin Phosphate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
577 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmax_bdmax Light at bottom (maximum at max depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year Model 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
578 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmax_bdmean Light at bottom (maximum at mean depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
579 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmax_bdmin Light at bottom (maximum at min depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
580 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmean_bdmax Light at bottom (mean at max depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
581 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmean_bdmean Light at bottom (mean at mean depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
582 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmean_bdmin Light at bottom (mean at min depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
583 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmin_bdmax Light at bottom (minimum at max depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
584 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmin_bdmean Light at bottom (minimum at mean depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
585 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotmin_bdmin Light at bottom (minimum at min depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
586 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotrange_bdmax Light at bottom (range at max depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
587 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotrange_bdmean Light at bottom (range at mean depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
588 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotrange_bdmin Light at bottom (range at min depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
589 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotltmax_bdmax Light at bottom (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
590 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotltmax_bdmean Light at bottom (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
591 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotltmax_bdmin Light at bottom (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
592 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotltmin_bdmax Light at bottom (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
593 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotltmin_bdmean Light at bottom (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
594 Bio-ORACLE BO2_lightbotltmin_bdmin Light at bottom (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
595 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemax_bdmax Nitrate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
596 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemax_bdmean Nitrate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
597 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemax_bdmin Nitrate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
598 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemean_bdmax Nitrate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
599 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemean_bdmean Nitrate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
600 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemean_bdmin Nitrate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
601 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemin_bdmax Nitrate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
602 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemin_bdmean Nitrate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
603 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemin_bdmin Nitrate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
604 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitraterange_bdmax Nitrate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
605 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitraterange_bdmean Nitrate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
606 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitraterange_bdmin Nitrate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
607 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitrateltmax_bdmax Nitrate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
608 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitrateltmax_bdmean Nitrate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
609 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitrateltmax_bdmin Nitrate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
610 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitrateltmin_bdmax Nitrate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
611 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitrateltmin_bdmean Nitrate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
612 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitrateltmin_bdmin Nitrate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
613 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmax_bdmax Sea water temperature (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
614 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmax_bdmean Sea water temperature (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
615 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmax_bdmin Sea water temperature (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
616 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmean_bdmax Sea water temperature (mean at max depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
617 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmean_bdmean Sea water temperature (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
618 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmean_bdmin Sea water temperature (mean at min depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
619 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmin_bdmax Sea water temperature (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
620 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmin_bdmean Sea water temperature (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
621 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmin_bdmin Sea water temperature (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
622 Bio-ORACLE BO2_temprange_bdmax Sea water temperature (range at max depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
623 Bio-ORACLE BO2_temprange_bdmean Sea water temperature (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
624 Bio-ORACLE BO2_temprange_bdmin Sea water temperature (range at min depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
625 Bio-ORACLE BO2_templtmax_bdmax Sea water temperature (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
626 Bio-ORACLE BO2_templtmax_bdmean Sea water temperature (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
627 Bio-ORACLE BO2_templtmax_bdmin Sea water temperature (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
628 Bio-ORACLE BO2_templtmin_bdmax Sea water temperature (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
629 Bio-ORACLE BO2_templtmin_bdmean Sea water temperature (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
630 Bio-ORACLE BO2_templtmin_bdmin Sea water temperature (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
631 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomax_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
632 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomax_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
633 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomax_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
634 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomean_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
635 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomean_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
636 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomean_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
637 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomin_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
638 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomin_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
639 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomin_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
640 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytorange_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
641 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytorange_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
642 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytorange_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
643 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytoltmax_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
644 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytoltmax_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
645 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytoltmax_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
646 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytoltmin_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
647 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytoltmin_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
648 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytoltmin_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
649 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmax_bdmax Primary production (maximum at max depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
650 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmax_bdmean Primary production (maximum at mean depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
651 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmax_bdmin Primary production (maximum at min depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
652 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmean_bdmax Primary production (mean at max depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
653 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmean_bdmean Primary production (mean at mean depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
654 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmean_bdmin Primary production (mean at min depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
655 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmin_bdmax Primary production (minimum at max depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
656 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmin_bdmean Primary production (minimum at mean depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
657 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmin_bdmin Primary production (minimum at min depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
658 Bio-ORACLE BO2_pprange_bdmax Primary production (range at max depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
659 Bio-ORACLE BO2_pprange_bdmean Primary production (range at mean depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
660 Bio-ORACLE BO2_pprange_bdmin Primary production (range at min depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
661 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppltmax_bdmax Primary production (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
662 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppltmax_bdmean Primary production (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
663 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppltmax_bdmin Primary production (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
664 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppltmin_bdmax Primary production (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
665 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppltmin_bdmean Primary production (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
666 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppltmin_bdmin Primary production (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
667 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymax_bdmax Sea water salinity (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
668 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymax_bdmean Sea water salinity (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
669 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymax_bdmin Sea water salinity (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
670 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymean_bdmax Sea water salinity (mean at max depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
671 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymean_bdmean Sea water salinity (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
672 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymean_bdmin Sea water salinity (mean at min depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
673 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymin_bdmax Sea water salinity (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
674 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymin_bdmean Sea water salinity (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
675 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymin_bdmin Sea water salinity (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
676 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityrange_bdmax Sea water salinity (range at max depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
677 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityrange_bdmean Sea water salinity (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
678 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityrange_bdmin Sea water salinity (range at min depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
679 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityltmax_bdmax Sea water salinity (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
680 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityltmax_bdmean Sea water salinity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
681 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityltmax_bdmin Sea water salinity (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
682 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityltmin_bdmax Sea water salinity (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
683 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityltmin_bdmean Sea water salinity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
684 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityltmin_bdmin Sea water salinity (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
685 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemax_bdmax Silicate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
686 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemax_bdmean Silicate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
687 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemax_bdmin Silicate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
688 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemean_bdmax Silicate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
689 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemean_bdmean Silicate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
690 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemean_bdmin Silicate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
691 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemin_bdmax Silicate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
692 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemin_bdmean Silicate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
693 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemin_bdmin Silicate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
694 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicaterange_bdmax Silicate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
695 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicaterange_bdmean Silicate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
696 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicaterange_bdmin Silicate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
697 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicateltmax_bdmax Silicate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
698 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicateltmax_bdmean Silicate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
699 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicateltmax_bdmin Silicate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
700 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicateltmin_bdmax Silicate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
701 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicateltmin_bdmean Silicate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 20
702 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicateltmin_bdmin Silicate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 20
703 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icecoverltmax_ss Sea ice concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 20
704 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icecoverltmin_ss Sea ice concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 20
705 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icecovermax_ss Sea ice concentration (maximum) Maximum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 20
706 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icecovermean_ss Sea ice concentration (mean) Mean sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 20
707 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icecovermin_ss Sea ice concentration (minimum) Minimum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 20
708 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icecoverrange_ss Sea ice concentration (range) Range of sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 20
709 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icethickltmax_ss Sea ice thickness (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 20
710 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icethickltmin_ss Sea ice thickness (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 20
711 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icethickmax_ss Sea ice thickness (maximum) Maximum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 20
712 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icethickmean_ss Sea ice thickness (mean) Mean sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 20
713 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icethickmin_ss Sea ice thickness (minimum) Minimum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 20
714 Bio-ORACLE BO2_icethickrange_ss Sea ice thickness (range) Range of sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 20
715 Bio-ORACLE BO2_templtmax_ss Sea surface temperature (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 20
716 Bio-ORACLE BO2_templtmin_ss Sea surface temperature (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 20
717 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmax_ss Sea surface temperature (maximum) Maximum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 20
718 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmean_ss Sea surface temperature (mean) Mean sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 20
719 Bio-ORACLE BO2_tempmin_ss Sea surface temperature (minimum) Minimum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 20
720 Bio-ORACLE BO2_temprange_ss Sea surface temperature (range) Range of sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 20
721 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomax_ss Chlorophyll concentration (maximum) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
722 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomean_ss Chlorophyll concentration (mean) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
723 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlomin_ss Chlorophyll concentration (minimum) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
724 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chlorange_ss Chlorophyll concentration (range) Range of mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
725 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chloltmax_ss Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
726 Bio-ORACLE BO2_chloltmin_ss Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
727 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmax_ss Current velocity (maximum) Maximum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
728 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmean_ss Current velocity (mean) Mean surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
729 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelmin_ss Current velocity (minimum) Minimum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
730 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelrange_ss Current velocity (range) Range of surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
731 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelltmax_ss Current velocity (longterm max) Longterm maximum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
732 Bio-ORACLE BO2_curvelltmin_ss Current velocity (longterm min) Longterm minimum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
733 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmax_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum) Maximum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
734 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmean_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean) Mean dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
735 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxmin_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum) Minimum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
736 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxrange_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (range) Range of dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
737 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxltmax_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
738 Bio-ORACLE BO2_dissoxltmin_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
739 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmax_ss Iron concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
740 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmean_ss Iron concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
741 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironmin_ss Iron concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
742 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironrange_ss Iron concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
743 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironltmax_ss Iron concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
744 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ironltmin_ss Iron concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
745 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemax_ss Phosphate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
746 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemean_ss Phosphate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
747 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphatemin_ss Phosphate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
748 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphaterange_ss Phosphate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
749 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphateltmax_ss Phosphate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
750 Bio-ORACLE BO2_phosphateltmin_ss Phosphate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
751 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemax_ss Nitrate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
752 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemean_ss Nitrate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
753 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitratemin_ss Nitrate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
754 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitraterange_ss Nitrate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
755 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitrateltmax_ss Nitrate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
756 Bio-ORACLE BO2_nitrateltmin_ss Nitrate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
757 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomax_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
758 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomean_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
759 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytomin_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
760 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytorange_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range) Range of mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
761 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytoltmax_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
762 Bio-ORACLE BO2_carbonphytoltmin_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
763 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmax_ss Primary production (maximum) Maximum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
764 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmean_ss Primary production (mean) Mean sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
765 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppmin_ss Primary production (minimum) Minimum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
766 Bio-ORACLE BO2_pprange_ss Primary production (range) Range of sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
767 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppltmax_ss Primary production (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
768 Bio-ORACLE BO2_ppltmin_ss Primary production (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
769 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymax_ss Sea surface salinity (maximum) Maximum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
770 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymean_ss Sea surface salinity (mean) Mean sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
771 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinitymin_ss Sea surface salinity (minimum) Minimum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
772 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityrange_ss Sea surface salinity (range) Range of sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
773 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityltmax_ss Sea surface salinity (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
774 Bio-ORACLE BO2_salinityltmin_ss Sea surface salinity (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
775 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemax_ss Silicate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
776 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemean_ss Silicate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
777 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicatemin_ss Silicate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
778 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicaterange_ss Silicate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 20
779 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicateltmax_ss Silicate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
780 Bio-ORACLE BO2_silicateltmin_ss Silicate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 20
781 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytoltmax_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
782 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytoltmax_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
783 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytoltmax_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
784 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytoltmax_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
785 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytoltmin_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
786 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytoltmin_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
787 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytoltmin_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
788 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytoltmin_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
789 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomax_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
790 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomax_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
791 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomax_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
792 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomax_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
793 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomean_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
794 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomean_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
795 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomean_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
796 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomean_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
797 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomin_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
798 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomin_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
799 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomin_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
800 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytomin_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
801 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytorange_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
802 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytorange_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
803 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytorange_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
804 Bio-ORACLE BO21_carbonphytorange_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range) Range of mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
805 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chloltmax_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
806 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chloltmax_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
807 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chloltmax_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
808 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chloltmax_ss Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
809 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chloltmin_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
810 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chloltmin_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
811 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chloltmin_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
812 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chloltmin_ss Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
813 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomax_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
814 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomax_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
815 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomax_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
816 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomax_ss Chlorophyll concentration (maximum) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
817 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomean_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
818 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomean_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
819 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomean_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
820 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomean_ss Chlorophyll concentration (mean) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
821 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomin_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
822 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomin_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
823 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomin_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
824 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlomin_ss Chlorophyll concentration (minimum) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
825 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlorange_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
826 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlorange_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
827 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlorange_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
828 Bio-ORACLE BO21_chlorange_ss Chlorophyll concentration (range) Range of mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
829 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelltmax_bdmax Current velocity (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
830 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelltmax_bdmean Current velocity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
831 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelltmax_bdmin Current velocity (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
832 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelltmax_ss Current velocity (longterm max) Longterm maximum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
833 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelltmin_bdmax Current velocity (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
834 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelltmin_bdmean Current velocity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
835 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelltmin_bdmin Current velocity (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
836 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelltmin_ss Current velocity (longterm min) Longterm minimum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
837 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmax_bdmax Current velocity (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
838 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmax_bdmean Current velocity (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
839 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmax_bdmin Current velocity (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
840 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmax_ss Current velocity (maximum) Maximum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
841 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmean_bdmax Current velocity (mean at max depth) Mean sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
842 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmean_bdmean Current velocity (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
843 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmean_bdmin Current velocity (mean at min depth) Mean sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
844 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmean_ss Current velocity (mean) Mean surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
845 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmin_bdmax Current velocity (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
846 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmin_bdmean Current velocity (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
847 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmin_bdmin Current velocity (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
848 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelmin_ss Current velocity (minimum) Minimum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
849 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelrange_bdmax Current velocity (range at max depth) Range of the sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
850 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelrange_bdmean Current velocity (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
851 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelrange_bdmin Current velocity (range at min depth) Range of the sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
852 Bio-ORACLE BO21_curvelrange_ss Current velocity (range) Range of surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
853 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxltmax_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
854 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxltmax_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
855 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxltmax_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
856 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxltmax_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
857 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxltmin_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
858 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxltmin_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
859 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxltmin_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
860 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxltmin_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
861 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmax_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
862 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmax_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
863 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmax_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
864 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmax_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum) Maximum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
865 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmean_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
866 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmean_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
867 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmean_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
868 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmean_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean) Mean dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
869 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmin_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
870 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmin_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
871 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmin_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
872 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxmin_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum) Minimum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
873 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxrange_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
874 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxrange_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
875 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxrange_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
876 Bio-ORACLE BO21_dissoxrange_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (range) Range of dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
877 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icecoverltmax_ss Sea ice concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 21
878 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icecoverltmin_ss Sea ice concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 21
879 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icecovermax_ss Sea ice concentration (maximum) Maximum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 21
880 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icecovermean_ss Sea ice concentration (mean) Mean sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 21
881 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icecovermin_ss Sea ice concentration (minimum) Minimum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 21
882 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icecoverrange_ss Sea ice concentration (range) Range of sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 21
883 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icethickltmax_ss Sea ice thickness (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 21
884 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icethickltmin_ss Sea ice thickness (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 21
885 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icethickmax_ss Sea ice thickness (maximum) Maximum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 21
886 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icethickmean_ss Sea ice thickness (mean) Mean sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 21
887 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icethickmin_ss Sea ice thickness (minimum) Minimum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 21
888 Bio-ORACLE BO21_icethickrange_ss Sea ice thickness (range) Range of sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 21
889 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironltmax_bdmax Iron concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
890 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironltmax_bdmean Iron concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
891 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironltmax_bdmin Iron concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
892 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironltmax_ss Iron concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
893 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironltmin_bdmax Iron concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
894 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironltmin_bdmean Iron concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
895 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironltmin_bdmin Iron concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
896 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironltmin_ss Iron concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
897 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmax_bdmax Iron concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
898 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmax_bdmean Iron concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
899 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmax_bdmin Iron concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
900 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmax_ss Iron concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
901 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmean_bdmax Iron concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
902 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmean_bdmean Iron concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
903 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmean_bdmin Iron concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
904 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmean_ss Iron concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
905 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmin_bdmax Iron concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
906 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmin_bdmean Iron concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
907 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmin_bdmin Iron concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
908 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironmin_ss Iron concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
909 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironrange_bdmax Iron concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
910 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironrange_bdmean Iron concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
911 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironrange_bdmin Iron concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
912 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ironrange_ss Iron concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
913 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotltmax_bdmax Light at bottom (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
914 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotltmax_bdmean Light at bottom (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
915 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotltmax_bdmin Light at bottom (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
916 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotltmin_bdmax Light at bottom (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
917 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotltmin_bdmean Light at bottom (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
918 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotltmin_bdmin Light at bottom (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
919 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmax_bdmax Light at bottom (maximum at max depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year Model 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
920 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmax_bdmean Light at bottom (maximum at mean depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
921 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmax_bdmin Light at bottom (maximum at min depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
922 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmean_bdmax Light at bottom (mean at max depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
923 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmean_bdmean Light at bottom (mean at mean depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
924 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmean_bdmin Light at bottom (mean at min depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
925 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmin_bdmax Light at bottom (minimum at max depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
926 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmin_bdmean Light at bottom (minimum at mean depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
927 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotmin_bdmin Light at bottom (minimum at min depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
928 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotrange_bdmax Light at bottom (range at max depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
929 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotrange_bdmean Light at bottom (range at mean depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
930 Bio-ORACLE BO21_lightbotrange_bdmin Light at bottom (range at min depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
931 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitrateltmax_bdmax Nitrate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
932 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitrateltmax_bdmean Nitrate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
933 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitrateltmax_bdmin Nitrate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
934 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitrateltmax_ss Nitrate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
935 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitrateltmin_bdmax Nitrate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
936 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitrateltmin_bdmean Nitrate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
937 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitrateltmin_bdmin Nitrate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
938 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitrateltmin_ss Nitrate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
939 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemax_bdmax Nitrate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
940 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemax_bdmean Nitrate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
941 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemax_bdmin Nitrate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
942 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemax_ss Nitrate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
943 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemean_bdmax Nitrate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
944 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemean_bdmean Nitrate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
945 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemean_bdmin Nitrate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
946 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemean_ss Nitrate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
947 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemin_bdmax Nitrate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
948 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemin_bdmean Nitrate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
949 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemin_bdmin Nitrate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
950 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitratemin_ss Nitrate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
951 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitraterange_bdmax Nitrate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
952 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitraterange_bdmean Nitrate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
953 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitraterange_bdmin Nitrate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
954 Bio-ORACLE BO21_nitraterange_ss Nitrate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
955 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphateltmax_bdmax Phosphate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
956 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphateltmax_bdmean Phosphate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
957 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphateltmax_bdmin Phosphate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
958 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphateltmax_ss Phosphate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
959 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphateltmin_bdmax Phosphate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
960 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphateltmin_bdmean Phosphate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
961 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphateltmin_bdmin Phosphate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
962 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphateltmin_ss Phosphate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
963 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemax_bdmax Phosphate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
964 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemax_bdmean Phosphate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
965 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemax_bdmin Phosphate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
966 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemax_ss Phosphate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
967 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemean_bdmax Phosphate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
968 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemean_bdmean Phosphate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
969 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemean_bdmin Phosphate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
970 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemean_ss Phosphate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
971 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemin_bdmax Phosphate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
972 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemin_bdmean Phosphate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
973 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemin_bdmin Phosphate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
974 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphatemin_ss Phosphate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
975 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphaterange_bdmax Phosphate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
976 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphaterange_bdmean Phosphate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
977 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphaterange_bdmin Phosphate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
978 Bio-ORACLE BO21_phosphaterange_ss Phosphate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
979 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppltmax_bdmax Primary production (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
980 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppltmax_bdmean Primary production (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
981 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppltmax_bdmin Primary production (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
982 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppltmax_ss Primary production (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
983 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppltmin_bdmax Primary production (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
984 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppltmin_bdmean Primary production (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
985 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppltmin_bdmin Primary production (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
986 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppltmin_ss Primary production (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
987 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmax_bdmax Primary production (maximum at max depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
988 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmax_bdmean Primary production (maximum at mean depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
989 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmax_bdmin Primary production (maximum at min depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
990 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmax_ss Primary production (maximum) Maximum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
991 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmean_bdmax Primary production (mean at max depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
992 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmean_bdmean Primary production (mean at mean depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
993 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmean_bdmin Primary production (mean at min depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
994 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmean_ss Primary production (mean) Mean sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
995 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmin_bdmax Primary production (minimum at max depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
996 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmin_bdmean Primary production (minimum at mean depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
997 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmin_bdmin Primary production (minimum at min depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
998 Bio-ORACLE BO21_ppmin_ss Primary production (minimum) Minimum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
999 Bio-ORACLE BO21_pprange_bdmax Primary production (range at max depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1000 Bio-ORACLE BO21_pprange_bdmean Primary production (range at mean depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1001 Bio-ORACLE BO21_pprange_bdmin Primary production (range at min depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1002 Bio-ORACLE BO21_pprange_ss Primary production (range) Range of sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1003 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityltmax_bdmax Sea water salinity (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1004 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityltmax_bdmean Sea water salinity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1005 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityltmax_bdmin Sea water salinity (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1006 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityltmax_ss Sea surface salinity (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1007 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityltmin_bdmax Sea water salinity (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1008 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityltmin_bdmean Sea water salinity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1009 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityltmin_bdmin Sea water salinity (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1010 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityltmin_ss Sea surface salinity (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1011 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymax_bdmax Sea water salinity (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1012 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymax_bdmean Sea water salinity (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1013 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymax_bdmin Sea water salinity (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1014 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymax_ss Sea surface salinity (maximum) Maximum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1015 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymean_bdmax Sea water salinity (mean at max depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1016 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymean_bdmean Sea water salinity (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1017 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymean_bdmin Sea water salinity (mean at min depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1018 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymean_ss Sea surface salinity (mean) Mean sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1019 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymin_bdmax Sea water salinity (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1020 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymin_bdmean Sea water salinity (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1021 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymin_bdmin Sea water salinity (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1022 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinitymin_ss Sea surface salinity (minimum) Minimum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1023 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityrange_bdmax Sea water salinity (range at max depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1024 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityrange_bdmean Sea water salinity (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1025 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityrange_bdmin Sea water salinity (range at min depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1026 Bio-ORACLE BO21_salinityrange_ss Sea surface salinity (range) Range of sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1027 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicateltmax_bdmax Silicate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1028 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicateltmax_bdmean Silicate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1029 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicateltmax_bdmin Silicate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1030 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicateltmax_ss Silicate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1031 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicateltmin_bdmax Silicate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1032 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicateltmin_bdmean Silicate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1033 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicateltmin_bdmin Silicate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1034 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicateltmin_ss Silicate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1035 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemax_bdmax Silicate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1036 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemax_bdmean Silicate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1037 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemax_bdmin Silicate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1038 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemax_ss Silicate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1039 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemean_bdmax Silicate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1040 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemean_bdmean Silicate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1041 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemean_bdmin Silicate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1042 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemean_ss Silicate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1043 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemin_bdmax Silicate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1044 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemin_bdmean Silicate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1045 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemin_bdmin Silicate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1046 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicatemin_ss Silicate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1047 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicaterange_bdmax Silicate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1048 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicaterange_bdmean Silicate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1049 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicaterange_bdmin Silicate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1050 Bio-ORACLE BO21_silicaterange_ss Silicate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 21
1051 Bio-ORACLE BO21_templtmax_bdmax Sea water temperature (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1052 Bio-ORACLE BO21_templtmax_bdmean Sea water temperature (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1053 Bio-ORACLE BO21_templtmax_bdmin Sea water temperature (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1054 Bio-ORACLE BO21_templtmax_ss Sea surface temperature (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 21
1055 Bio-ORACLE BO21_templtmin_bdmax Sea water temperature (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1056 Bio-ORACLE BO21_templtmin_bdmean Sea water temperature (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1057 Bio-ORACLE BO21_templtmin_bdmin Sea water temperature (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1058 Bio-ORACLE BO21_templtmin_ss Sea surface temperature (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 21
1059 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmax_bdmax Sea water temperature (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1060 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmax_bdmean Sea water temperature (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1061 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmax_bdmin Sea water temperature (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1062 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmax_ss Sea surface temperature (maximum) Maximum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 21
1063 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmean_bdmax Sea water temperature (mean at max depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1064 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmean_bdmean Sea water temperature (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1065 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmean_bdmin Sea water temperature (mean at min depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1066 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmean_ss Sea surface temperature (mean) Mean sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 21
1067 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmin_bdmax Sea water temperature (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1068 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmin_bdmean Sea water temperature (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1069 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmin_bdmin Sea water temperature (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1070 Bio-ORACLE BO21_tempmin_ss Sea surface temperature (minimum) Minimum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 21
1071 Bio-ORACLE BO21_temprange_bdmax Sea water temperature (range at max depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1072 Bio-ORACLE BO21_temprange_bdmean Sea water temperature (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1073 Bio-ORACLE BO21_temprange_bdmin Sea water temperature (range at min depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 21
1074 Bio-ORACLE BO21_temprange_ss Sea surface temperature (range) Range of sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 21
1075 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytoltmax_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1076 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytoltmax_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1077 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytoltmax_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1078 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytoltmax_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1079 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytoltmin_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1080 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytoltmin_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1081 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytoltmin_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1082 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytoltmin_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1083 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomax_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1084 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomax_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1085 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomax_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1086 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomax_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1087 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomean_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1088 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomean_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1089 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomean_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1090 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomean_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (mean) Mean mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1091 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomin_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1092 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomin_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1093 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomin_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1094 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytomin_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1095 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytorange_bdmax Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1096 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytorange_bdmean Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1097 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytorange_bdmin Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1098 Bio-ORACLE BO22_carbonphytorange_ss Carbon phytoplankton biomass (range) Range of mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1099 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chloltmax_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1100 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chloltmax_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1101 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chloltmax_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1102 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chloltmax_ss Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1103 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chloltmin_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1104 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chloltmin_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1105 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chloltmin_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1106 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chloltmin_ss Chlorophyll concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1107 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomax_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1108 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomax_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1109 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomax_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1110 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomax_ss Chlorophyll concentration (maximum) Maximum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1111 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomean_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1112 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomean_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1113 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomean_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1114 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomean_ss Chlorophyll concentration (mean) Mean mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1115 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomin_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1116 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomin_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1117 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomin_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1118 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlomin_ss Chlorophyll concentration (minimum) Minimum mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1119 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlorange_bdmax Chlorophyll concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1120 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlorange_bdmean Chlorophyll concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1121 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlorange_bdmin Chlorophyll concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mass concentration of chlorophyll in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1122 Bio-ORACLE BO22_chlorange_ss Chlorophyll concentration (range) Range of mass concentration of chlorophyll at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 mg/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1123 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelltmax_bdmax Current velocity (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1124 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelltmax_bdmean Current velocity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1125 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelltmax_bdmin Current velocity (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1126 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelltmax_ss Current velocity (longterm max) Longterm maximum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1127 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelltmin_bdmax Current velocity (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1128 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelltmin_bdmean Current velocity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1129 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelltmin_bdmin Current velocity (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1130 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelltmin_ss Current velocity (longterm min) Longterm minimum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1131 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmax_bdmax Current velocity (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1132 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmax_bdmean Current velocity (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1133 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmax_bdmin Current velocity (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1134 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmax_ss Current velocity (maximum) Maximum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1135 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmean_bdmax Current velocity (mean at max depth) Mean sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1136 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmean_bdmean Current velocity (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1137 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmean_bdmin Current velocity (mean at min depth) Mean sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1138 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmean_ss Current velocity (mean) Mean surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1139 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmin_bdmax Current velocity (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1140 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmin_bdmean Current velocity (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1141 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmin_bdmin Current velocity (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1142 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelmin_ss Current velocity (minimum) Minimum surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1143 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelrange_bdmax Current velocity (range at max depth) Range of the sea water velocity at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1144 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelrange_bdmean Current velocity (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water velocity at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1145 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelrange_bdmin Current velocity (range at min depth) Range of the sea water velocity at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1146 Bio-ORACLE BO22_curvelrange_ss Current velocity (range) Range of surface current velocity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m/s Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1147 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxltmax_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1148 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxltmax_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1149 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxltmax_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1150 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxltmax_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1151 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxltmin_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1152 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxltmin_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1153 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxltmin_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1154 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxltmin_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1155 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmax_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1156 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmax_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1157 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmax_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1158 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmax_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (maximum) Maximum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1159 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmean_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1160 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmean_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1161 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmean_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1162 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmean_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (mean) Mean dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1163 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmin_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1164 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmin_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1165 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmin_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1166 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxmin_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (minimum) Minimum dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1167 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxrange_bdmax Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1168 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxrange_bdmean Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1169 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxrange_bdmin Dissolved oxygen concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1170 Bio-ORACLE BO22_dissoxrange_ss Dissolved oxygen concentration (range) Range of dissolved oxygen concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1171 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icecoverltmax_ss Sea ice concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 22
1172 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icecoverltmin_ss Sea ice concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 22
1173 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icecovermax_ss Sea ice concentration (maximum) Maximum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 22
1174 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icecovermean_ss Sea ice concentration (mean) Mean sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 22
1175 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icecovermin_ss Sea ice concentration (minimum) Minimum sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 22
1176 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icecoverrange_ss Sea ice concentration (range) Range of sea ice concentration FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 fraction Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 22
1177 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icethickltmax_ss Sea ice thickness (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 22
1178 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icethickltmin_ss Sea ice thickness (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 22
1179 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icethickmax_ss Sea ice thickness (maximum) Maximum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 22
1180 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icethickmean_ss Sea ice thickness (mean) Mean sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 22
1181 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icethickmin_ss Sea ice thickness (minimum) Minimum sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 22
1182 Bio-ORACLE BO22_icethickrange_ss Sea ice thickness (range) Range of sea ice thickness FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 m Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 22
1183 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironltmax_bdmax Iron concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1184 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironltmax_bdmean Iron concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1185 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironltmax_bdmin Iron concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1186 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironltmax_ss Iron concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1187 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironltmin_bdmax Iron concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1188 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironltmin_bdmean Iron concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1189 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironltmin_bdmin Iron concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1190 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironltmin_ss Iron concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1191 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmax_bdmax Iron concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1192 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmax_bdmean Iron concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1193 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmax_bdmin Iron concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1194 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmax_ss Iron concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1195 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmean_bdmax Iron concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1196 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmean_bdmean Iron concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1197 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmean_bdmin Iron concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1198 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmean_ss Iron concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1199 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmin_bdmax Iron concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1200 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmin_bdmean Iron concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1201 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmin_bdmin Iron concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1202 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironmin_ss Iron concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1203 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironrange_bdmax Iron concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1204 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironrange_bdmean Iron concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1205 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironrange_bdmin Iron concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1206 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ironrange_ss Iron concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of dissolved iron at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1207 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotltmax_bdmax Light at bottom (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1208 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotltmax_bdmean Light at bottom (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1209 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotltmax_bdmin Light at bottom (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1210 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotltmin_bdmax Light at bottom (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1211 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotltmin_bdmean Light at bottom (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1212 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotltmin_bdmin Light at bottom (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1213 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmax_bdmax Light at bottom (maximum at max depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year Model 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1214 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmax_bdmean Light at bottom (maximum at mean depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1215 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmax_bdmin Light at bottom (maximum at min depth) Maximum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1216 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmean_bdmax Light at bottom (mean at max depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1217 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmean_bdmean Light at bottom (mean at mean depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1218 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmean_bdmin Light at bottom (mean at min depth) Mean light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1219 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmin_bdmax Light at bottom (minimum at max depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1220 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmin_bdmean Light at bottom (minimum at mean depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1221 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotmin_bdmin Light at bottom (minimum at min depth) Minimum light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1222 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotrange_bdmax Light at bottom (range at max depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1223 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotrange_bdmean Light at bottom (range at mean depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1224 Bio-ORACLE BO22_lightbotrange_bdmin Light at bottom (range at min depth) Range of the light penetration in the ocean at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 E/m^2/year satellite imagery 0.05 arcdegree Globcolour (Maritorena et al. 2010) 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1225 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitrateltmax_bdmax Nitrate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1226 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitrateltmax_bdmean Nitrate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1227 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitrateltmax_bdmin Nitrate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1228 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitrateltmax_ss Nitrate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1229 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitrateltmin_bdmax Nitrate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1230 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitrateltmin_bdmean Nitrate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1231 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitrateltmin_bdmin Nitrate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1232 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitrateltmin_ss Nitrate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1233 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemax_bdmax Nitrate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1234 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemax_bdmean Nitrate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1235 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemax_bdmin Nitrate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1236 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemax_ss Nitrate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1237 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemean_bdmax Nitrate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1238 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemean_bdmean Nitrate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1239 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemean_bdmin Nitrate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1240 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemean_ss Nitrate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1241 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemin_bdmax Nitrate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1242 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemin_bdmean Nitrate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1243 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemin_bdmin Nitrate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1244 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitratemin_ss Nitrate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1245 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitraterange_bdmax Nitrate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1246 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitraterange_bdmean Nitrate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1247 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitraterange_bdmin Nitrate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of nitrate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1248 Bio-ORACLE BO22_nitraterange_ss Nitrate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of nitrate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1249 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphateltmax_bdmax Phosphate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1250 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphateltmax_bdmean Phosphate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1251 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphateltmax_bdmin Phosphate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1252 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphateltmax_ss Phosphate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1253 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphateltmin_bdmax Phosphate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1254 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphateltmin_bdmean Phosphate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1255 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphateltmin_bdmin Phosphate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1256 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphateltmin_ss Phosphate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1257 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemax_bdmax Phosphate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1258 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemax_bdmean Phosphate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1259 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemax_bdmin Phosphate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1260 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemax_ss Phosphate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1261 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemean_bdmax Phosphate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1262 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemean_bdmean Phosphate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1263 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemean_bdmin Phosphate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1264 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemean_ss Phosphate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1265 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemin_bdmax Phosphate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1266 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemin_bdmean Phosphate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1267 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemin_bdmin Phosphate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1268 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphatemin_ss Phosphate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1269 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphaterange_bdmax Phosphate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1270 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphaterange_bdmean Phosphate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1271 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphaterange_bdmin Phosphate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of phosphate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1272 Bio-ORACLE BO22_phosphaterange_ss Phosphate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of phosphate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1273 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppltmax_bdmax Primary production (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1274 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppltmax_bdmean Primary production (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1275 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppltmax_bdmin Primary production (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1276 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppltmax_ss Primary production (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1277 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppltmin_bdmax Primary production (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1278 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppltmin_bdmean Primary production (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1279 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppltmin_bdmin Primary production (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1280 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppltmin_ss Primary production (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1281 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmax_bdmax Primary production (maximum at max depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1282 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmax_bdmean Primary production (maximum at mean depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1283 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmax_bdmin Primary production (maximum at min depth) Maximum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1284 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmax_ss Primary production (maximum) Maximum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1285 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmean_bdmax Primary production (mean at max depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1286 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmean_bdmean Primary production (mean at mean depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1287 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmean_bdmin Primary production (mean at min depth) Mean net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1288 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmean_ss Primary production (mean) Mean sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1289 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmin_bdmax Primary production (minimum at max depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1290 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmin_bdmean Primary production (minimum at mean depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1291 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmin_bdmin Primary production (minimum at min depth) Minimum net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1292 Bio-ORACLE BO22_ppmin_ss Primary production (minimum) Minimum sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1293 Bio-ORACLE BO22_pprange_bdmax Primary production (range at max depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1294 Bio-ORACLE BO22_pprange_bdmean Primary production (range at mean depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1295 Bio-ORACLE BO22_pprange_bdmin Primary production (range at min depth) Range of the net primary productivity of carbon at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1296 Bio-ORACLE BO22_pprange_ss Primary production (range) Range of sea surface net primary productivity of carbon FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 g/m^3/day Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1297 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityltmax_bdmax Sea water salinity (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1298 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityltmax_bdmean Sea water salinity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1299 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityltmax_bdmin Sea water salinity (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1300 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityltmax_ss Sea surface salinity (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1301 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityltmin_bdmax Sea water salinity (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1302 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityltmin_bdmean Sea water salinity (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1303 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityltmin_bdmin Sea water salinity (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1304 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityltmin_ss Sea surface salinity (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1305 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymax_bdmax Sea water salinity (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1306 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymax_bdmean Sea water salinity (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1307 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymax_bdmin Sea water salinity (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1308 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymax_ss Sea surface salinity (maximum) Maximum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1309 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymean_bdmax Sea water salinity (mean at max depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1310 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymean_bdmean Sea water salinity (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1311 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymean_bdmin Sea water salinity (mean at min depth) Mean sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1312 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymean_ss Sea surface salinity (mean) Mean sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1313 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymin_bdmax Sea water salinity (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1314 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymin_bdmean Sea water salinity (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1315 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymin_bdmin Sea water salinity (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1316 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinitymin_ss Sea surface salinity (minimum) Minimum sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1317 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityrange_bdmax Sea water salinity (range at max depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1318 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityrange_bdmean Sea water salinity (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1319 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityrange_bdmin Sea water salinity (range at min depth) Range of the sea water salinity at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1320 Bio-ORACLE BO22_salinityrange_ss Sea surface salinity (range) Range of sea surface salinity FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 PSS Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1321 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicateltmax_bdmax Silicate concentration (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1322 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicateltmax_bdmean Silicate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1323 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicateltmax_bdmin Silicate concentration (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1324 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicateltmax_ss Silicate concentration (longterm max) Longterm maximum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1325 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicateltmin_bdmax Silicate concentration (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1326 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicateltmin_bdmean Silicate concentration (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1327 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicateltmin_bdmin Silicate concentration (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1328 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicateltmin_ss Silicate concentration (longterm min) Longterm minimum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1329 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemax_bdmax Silicate concentration (maximum at max depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1330 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemax_bdmean Silicate concentration (maximum at mean depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1331 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemax_bdmin Silicate concentration (maximum at min depth) Maximum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1332 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemax_ss Silicate concentration (maximum) Maximum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1333 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemean_bdmax Silicate concentration (mean at max depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1334 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemean_bdmean Silicate concentration (mean at mean depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1335 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemean_bdmin Silicate concentration (mean at min depth) Mean mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1336 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemean_ss Silicate concentration (mean) Mean mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1337 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemin_bdmax Silicate concentration (minimum at max depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1338 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemin_bdmean Silicate concentration (minimum at mean depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1339 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemin_bdmin Silicate concentration (minimum at min depth) Minimum mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1340 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicatemin_ss Silicate concentration (minimum) Minimum mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1341 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicaterange_bdmax Silicate concentration (range at max depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1342 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicaterange_bdmean Silicate concentration (range at mean depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1343 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicaterange_bdmin Silicate concentration (range at min depth) Range of the mole concentration of silicate in sea water at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1344 Bio-ORACLE BO22_silicaterange_ss Silicate concentration (range) Range of mole concentration of silicate at the sea surface FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 micromol/m^3 Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Biogeochemistry NON ASSIMILATIVE Hindcast (PISCES) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at sea surface NA TRUE 22
1345 Bio-ORACLE BO22_templtmax_bdmax Sea water temperature (longterm max at max depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1346 Bio-ORACLE BO22_templtmax_bdmean Sea water temperature (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1347 Bio-ORACLE BO22_templtmax_bdmin Sea water temperature (longterm max at min depth) Longterm maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1348 Bio-ORACLE BO22_templtmax_ss Sea surface temperature (longterm max) Longterm maximum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term maximum NA TRUE 22
1349 Bio-ORACLE BO22_templtmin_bdmax Sea water temperature (longterm min at max depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1350 Bio-ORACLE BO22_templtmin_bdmean Sea water temperature (longterm max at mean depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1351 Bio-ORACLE BO22_templtmin_bdmin Sea water temperature (longterm min at min depth) Longterm minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1352 Bio-ORACLE BO22_templtmin_ss Sea surface temperature (longterm min) Longterm minimum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA long term minimum NA TRUE 22
1353 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmax_bdmax Sea water temperature (maximum at max depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1354 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmax_bdmean Sea water temperature (maximum at mean depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1355 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmax_bdmin Sea water temperature (maximum at min depth) Maximum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1356 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmax_ss Sea surface temperature (maximum) Maximum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA maximum NA TRUE 22
1357 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmean_bdmax Sea water temperature (mean at max depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1358 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmean_bdmean Sea water temperature (mean at mean depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1359 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmean_bdmin Sea water temperature (mean at min depth) Mean sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1360 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmean_ss Sea surface temperature (mean) Mean sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA mean NA TRUE 22
1361 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmin_bdmax Sea water temperature (minimum at max depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1362 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmin_bdmean Sea water temperature (minimum at mean depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1363 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmin_bdmin Sea water temperature (minimum at min depth) Minimum sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA minimum value at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1364 Bio-ORACLE BO22_tempmin_ss Sea surface temperature (minimum) Minimum sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA min NA TRUE 22
1365 Bio-ORACLE BO22_temprange_bdmax Sea water temperature (range at max depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at maximum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at maximum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1366 Bio-ORACLE BO22_temprange_bdmean Sea water temperature (range at mean depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at mean bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at mean bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1367 Bio-ORACLE BO22_temprange_bdmin Sea water temperature (range at min depth) Range of the sea water temperature at the bottom at minimum bottom depth FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range at minimum bottom depth NA FALSE 22
1368 Bio-ORACLE BO22_temprange_ss Sea surface temperature (range) Range of sea surface temperature FALSE TRUE FALSE 7000 0.0833333 degrees Celcius Model 0.25 arcdegree Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis ECMWF ORAP5.0 (1979-2013) URL: 2000 NA NA 2014 NA NA range NA TRUE 22

Once we identify the dataset and the layers we are interested on, we can extract their details from the list. In this case, we download data on chlorophyll, salinity, diffuse attenuation coefficient and sea surface temperature.

target <- c("BO2_chlomean_ss", "BO2_salinitymean_ss",
    "BO_damean", "BO_sstmean")

# Extrat details from the list
myvars <- mytab %>%
    dplyr::filter(mytab$layer_code %in% target)

## [1] "Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (mean)"
## [2] "Sea surface temperature (mean)"                  
## [3] "Chlorophyll concentration (mean)"                
## [4] "Sea surface salinity (mean)"

And we can download them using the function load_layers

# Download layers
myBioracle.layers <- load_layers(c("BO2_chlomean_ss",
    "BO2_salinitymean_ss", "BO_damean", "BO_sstmean"))

Note that the resulting object is a rasterStack, where each variable is a layer

## [1] "RasterStack"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "raster"
## class      : RasterStack 
## dimensions : 2160, 4320, 9331200, 4  (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)
## resolution : 0.08333333, 0.08333333  (x, y)
## extent     : -180, 180, -90, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## crs        : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
## names      : BO2_chlomean_ss, BO2_salinitymean_ss, BO_damean, BO_sstmean 
## min values :        0.015806,            0.059304,  0.012000,  -1.801000 
## max values :        5.394896,           40.651300,  0.972000,  32.918000

And we can plot it:


Note that the functions dataset_citations and layer_citations provide the bibliographic entries of the datasets and layers for proper citation:

## [1] "Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Heroen V, Serrão E, De Clerck O, Tittensor D (2018). \"Bio‐ORACLE v2.0: Extending marine data layers for\nbioclimatic modelling.\" _Global Ecology and Biogeography_, *27*(3),\n277-284. doi:10.1111/geb.12693 <>."                                 
## [2] "Tyberghein L, Heroen V, Pauly K, Troupin C, Mineur F, De Clerck O (2012). \"Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species\ndistribution modelling.\" _Global Ecology and Biogeography_, *21*(2),\n272-281. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00656.x\n<>."
## [1] "Assis J, Tyberghein L, Bosch S, Heroen V, Serrão E, De Clerck O, Tittensor D (2018). \"Bio‐ORACLE v2.0: Extending marine data layers for\nbioclimatic modelling.\" _Global Ecology and Biogeography_, *27*(3),\n277-284. doi:10.1111/geb.12693 <>."                                 
## [2] "Tyberghein L, Heroen V, Pauly K, Troupin C, Mineur F, De Clerck O (2012). \"Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species\ndistribution modelling.\" _Global Ecology and Biogeography_, *21*(2),\n272-281. doi:10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00656.x\n<>."

In case we are not interested on the whole area, we can crop the raster objects to the area of interest.

For example, we can load the study_area object that is a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame that has been created previously and defines the extent of our spatial data and we can crop the rasterStack to the same extent:

load(here::here("data", "spatial", "study_area.RData"))

mylayers <- crop(myBioracle.layers, extent(study_area))


To facilitate subsequent access, the rasterStack with the downloaded data is saved in a local folder:

writeRaster(mylayers, filename = "data/env/mylayers.tif",
    options = "INTERLEAVE=BAND", overwrite = TRUE)


Assis, J, L Tyberghein, S Bosch, H Verbruggen, EA Serrão, O De Clerck, and D Tittensor. 2017. “Bio‐ORACLE V2.0: Extending Marine Data Layers for Bioclimatic Modelling.” Journal Article. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (3): 277–84.
Tyberghein, L, H Verbruggen, K Pauly, C Troupin, F Mineur, and O De Clerck. 2012. “Bio-ORACLE: A Global Environmental Dataset for Marine Species Distribution Modelling.” Journal Article. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21 (2): 272–81.