GAM-NICHE: Shape-Constrained GAMs to build Species Distribution Models under the ecological niche theory
This is a short tutorial for constructing Species Distribution Models in R using Shape-Constrained Generalized Additive Models (Pya and Wood 2015), based on the development and application to marine fish by Citores et al. (2020).
The code is available in AZTI’s github repository and the book is readily available here.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
To cite this book, please use:
Valle, M., Citores, L., Ibaibarriaga, L., Chust, C. (2023) GAM-NICHE: Shape-Constrained GAMs to build Species Distribution Models under the ecological niche theory. AZTI.
Citores, L, L Ibaibarriaga, DJ Lee, MJ Brewer, M Santos, and G Chust. 2020. “Modelling Species Presence–Absence in the Ecological Niche Theory Framework Using Shape-Constrained Generalized Additive Models.” Ecological Modelling 418: 108926.
Pya, N, and SN Wood. 2015. “Shape Constrained Additive Models.” Statistics and Computing 25: 543–59.